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Feminists Talk Religion's avatar Feminists Talk Religion

SBL/AAR 2022 Panel: Feminist Studies in Religion and Anti-Asian Racism

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge of violence and hate against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Even so, anti-Asian racism remains largely invisible in academic, religious, and public spaces. On November 18, 2022, panelists at...

Feminists Talk Religion's avatar Feminists Talk Religion

International Students and Scholars: An honest conversation - Part 2

What do we wish we'd known before starting a Ph.D. as an international student? In what ways can higher-education institutions better support international students and scholars? In Part 2 of this conversation, Esther Parajuli, a Nāga - Nepalese...

Feminists Talk Religion's avatar Feminists Talk Religion

International Students and Scholars: An honest conversation - Part 1

Listen to Part 1 of a vulnerable and sincere conversation about the ambivalences of being an international student or scholar: the joys and the pains, the language and cultural barriers, the fragmentation of our identities, and the wisdom that...

Monster in the Mirror: Christian Nationalism’s Gothic Genesis's avatar Monster in the Mirror: Christian Nationalism’s Gothic Genesis

Ep. 1: Christian Nationalism's Gothic Genesis

Monster in the Mirror is a limited audio series produced by Straight White American Jesus, and created and written by Dr. Lucas Kwong. Monster in the Mirror is a series about monsters. It's about how the fantastical beasts who stalk the imagination...