Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus content most Mondays, bonus episodes every month, ad-free listening, access to the entire 800-episode archive, Discord access, and more: Linktree:...
Straight White American JesusUnidentified Black Shirts Attack Woman in Idaho
Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus content most Mondays, bonus episodes every month, ad-free listening, access to the entire 800-episode archive, Discord access, and more: This episode explores a disturbing...
Data > DogmaEpisode 100: Give Me Your Slave!
Come celebrate round numbers with us as we embark on our 100th episode of Data Over Dogma! And what, you might ask, are we doing to mark this grand event? Have we carefully crafted a clips show looking back on the best moments of the last 100...
New Books in ReligionAsim Qureshi and Walaa Quisay, "When Only God Can See: The Faith of Muslim Political Prisoners" (Pluto Press, 2024)
When Only God Can See: The Faith of Muslim Political Prisoners (Pluto Press, 2024), uncovers the unique experiences of Muslim political prisoners held in Egypt and under US custody at Guantanamo Bay and other detention black sites. This...
New Books in ReligionMaterial Religion, Assemblage, and the Agency of Things in South Asia
This special issue of Nidān: International Journal for Indian Studies is the product of a collective experiment with materials that are assembled, imagined, and agentive in the context of South Asian religions. The articles are...
The Revealer PodcastThe People Destroying Democracy
Who are the organizations, people, religious communities, and think tanks that are working to erode America’s democracy and push the country to authoritarianism? Acclaimed investigative journalist Katherine Stewart, author of Money, Lies, and God:...
New Books in ReligionReligious Freedom: A Conversation on the Conservative Tradition with John D. Wilsey
In this conversation, we sit down with John D. Wilsey, Professor of Church History and Philosophy at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Senior Fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy, to tackle the urgent and often...
Straight White American JesusIt's in the Code Ep 135: “Why Do You Always Focus On the Negative?”
Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus content most Mondays, bonus episodes every month, ad-free listening, access to the entire 800-episode archive, Discord access, and more: “Why do you always focus on the...
Keeping it 101CROSSOVER: Sustainin' Conversation with the Amplify Podcast Network Crew!
In which Megan chats with a handful of folks who are also part of the Amplify Podcast Network's first Sustain stream--Sally Chivers (Wrinkle Radio), Charisse L’Pree (Critical and Curious), and M.E. Luke (Critical Technology Podcast)--plus pod...
New Books in ReligionBernard McGinn, "Modern Mystics: An Introduction" (Herder & Herder, 2023)
Mysticism is not just a phenomenon of the past, but has been alive and flourishing in Chistianity, Judaism, and Islam over the past century, as well as in many of the other religious traditions. Best understood as a search for the transforming...
Data > DogmaEpisode 99: Why Can't You Be Like Your Brother?
If you think you had it rough living in your sibling's shadow, just imagine how James, the brother of Jesus must've felt! Well, today James gets his due. We'll discuss who he was, what he did, and what it might mean theologically, that Jesus wasn't...
Data > DogmaEpisode 98: Did Jesus Go to Hell?
Jesus went to hell! Briefly. He gave the place a look-see after he died, and then left to go be resurrected. Or at least that's the claim that some theologies make. Where did the idea that Jesus visited hell come from? Is it Biblical? I mean, it...
Keeping it 101RELIGION & ADOPTION: What Have We Learned?
In which we review our very depressing and important miniseries discussion on religion and adoption AND play ridiculous orphan games as a reward for having done the hard thingsAs always, be sure to visit for full show notes,...
Data > DogmaEpisode 97: The Neighborhood of Make-Believe
Would you be mine, could you be mine, won't you be my neighbor? If you know that song, then you know that at least one person understood Jesus' answer to the lawyer. Far fewer seem to now. But that's in the second half of our show! First, we're...
Data > DogmaEpisode 96: "Render Unto Caesar" with Congressperson Eric Swalwell
This week we're talking government on the Data Over Dogma show, and woof! It's a doozy! First, we're going into the belly of the beast and talking to and actual, honest-to-goodness United States congressperson. Eric Swalwell has a D next to his...
The Revealer PodcastReligion Is Everywhere and Why That Matters
What are the countless insidious ways religion manifests in our culture, in our politics, and in our daily lives even if we ourselves are not religious people? Megan Goodwin and Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, authors of Religion Is Not Done with You:...